Accelerate the pace of 少工industrial transformat少討ion, improve the solar ph美日otovoltaic industry chain
source:Jinggong Science and Technology在著      R這一elease time:2008/08/29

On August 27, 2008, Seiko Technology月術 held the 16th meeting of the 3rd Bo近東ard of Directors b遠區y means of on-site and commu身拍nication voting. The meeting reviewed a吧多nd approved the transfer of 80% eq個刀uity of Hubei Jing銀廠gong Technology Co., Ltd., and invest男商ed in Jiangxi Xuyang Lei Di High-Tech離信 Co., Ltd., regarding the舞那 acquisition of Zhejiang Zhongqing Hold事喝ing Group Co., Ltd. rela好來ted assets, etc., this is Seiko Techno電技logy's establishment of 姐鄉a wholly-owned subsidiary "Zhejia海這ng Jinggong New 人公Energy Co., Ltd., 她玩the acquisition of Jinggong Shaoxing So從自lar Technology Co., Ltd., After str城藍ategic cooperation with Jiangxi Xuyang爸長 Reddy High-Tech Co., Ltd., anot會動her important measure to expand and st理資rengthen the overall development開舞 strategy of the sol動村ar photovoltaic indu空你stry marks that the company has e廠河ntered a substantial st分雪age in the solar photovol她吃taic industry. It fu爸錢lly demonstrates the determinatio美分n and confidenc北的e of the company to become big短草ger and stronger in the中謝 solar photovol師歌taic industry.

According to the resolutions of the m女是eeting and the company's overa算綠ll development st吧東rategy, the company will compl謝但ete the above-mentione商錯d equity transfer, investment an離老d asset acquisition with the wholly-own員錢ed subsidiary Zhejia低志ng Jinggong New Energy Co., Lt購民d. as the development pl村林atform and investment 頻什entity. Accelerate the pace of indus人腦trial transformation of the company,下銀 promote the develo頻房pment of the compa市火ny's solar photovoltaic indu輛麗stry, improve the company&樹快#39;s solar photovoltaic 上會industry chain, a間離nd enhance the core co訊媽mpetitiveness o話長f the company.