1、Equipment Brief
Jinggong Science&Technology has int拍討roduced the advanced inter分草national technology for this ca雪路rbon fiber production line and mu畫森tually developed it with a partne制雨r who has decades of 到術experience in carbon fiber p業人rocessing. The line c拿我onsists of creel, oxidation oven路睡s, low temperature furnace,雨水 high temperature furnace, surf舞腦ace treatment equipment, sizing有新 equipment, hot dryer業高 and winder, etc. it can realize and志街 get continuous hea相道t treatment and po西謝st-processing treatm謝店ent for PAN-based precursor. The line 街也adopts integrated control system by s花場ynthesizing PC t很為echnology, internet communicat雪長ion technology, redu雜你ndancy and self-detecting technology,章吃 it is a fully automatic continuous c爸還arbon fiber production line.件又
2、Equipment photo
① Creel
② Oxidation oven
③ LT furnace
④ Horizontal roller
⑤ HT furnace
⑥ Surface tre她錯atment
⑦ Sizing and vertical dryer了樹
⑧ winder